If you were to ever walk by my house at any point in the day, you would more than likely see Kira looking out the window at you. She is always looking out on the world, watching it go by. She loves the outdoors so there is no question why she looks out; she wants to be outside. The crazy thing is though when it's cold outside she doesn't want to be outside. On the other hand when its warm outside, SHE LOVES IT. So till she's allowed to go back out she will be by her window dreaming and waiting to go back outside.




This is Kira. She's a mutt, we have no idea what she is mixed with but we do know she has some sort of golden retriever in her; other than that we don't know anything. When we first got her she wasn't too found of the fact that we are a loud and crazy family. She was a rescue dog and it was obvious to tell she was beaten, more than likely by a male. She tends still to this day to shy away from big men that come into the house. Just recently has she been completely comfortable around my Dad, when we have had her for a few years now. She's the sweetest dog in the world, she wouldn't hurt a fly. Except maybe if you were attacking the family, she tends to be a little protective. She's not the crazy scary protective. She seems to understand when it's ok to be protective and when it isn't. She has only snapped at one person ever, my Brother. He and my Mom were wrestling and apparently according to Kira they were getting a bit too rough, so she got in the middle and growled. Now when I say she snapped, I mean she bit air, she was no where close to biting my Brother; it was more of a warning to v